Amsterdamse Makelaar en Vastgoedbeheerder

Your real estate agent in Zandvoort


Expertise is paramount and the customer is central. Makelaarskantoor Aerdenhout & Omstreken has years of experience in selling and purchasing houses and apartments in the middle and upper segment of the real estate market in the region of Kennemerland, Aerdenhout, Bentveld, Heemstede, Bennebroek, Vogelenzang, Haarlem, Zandvoort, Overveen, Bloemendaal, Santpoort Zuid. We know the market like the back of our hand and are therefore able to guide the sale or purchase of your house in an effective and result-oriented way. We also offer valuations, rental and management and corporate real estate.

Waarom Zandvoort?

Why Zandvoort?

Zandvoort is a municipality and seaside resort in North Holland. Zandvoort is very well known among tourists, especially because of the Formula 1 race track and the beach. There is a sandy beach along the entire coast at Zandvoort. Of course there are many beach bars and places of interest at the beach. Lovely walks by the coast or in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen is what is great about Zandvoort. Characteristic of Zandvoort is the old village center, with both large and well-known shops and local shops. There is also a weekly market on the Grote Krocht/Raadhuisplein every Wednesday.

Zandvoort is located near Bloemendaal aan Zee and not too far from the city of Haarlem. The Zandvoort aan Zee station is the last stop of the railway from Amsterdam via Haarlem.

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Huib Haije
Huib Haije

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